Gradle integration
Although no Fluxtion gradle plugin is available to scan and generate event processors AOT, gradle’s open architecture
makes it easy to integrate a task to wrap a utility. To integrate Fluxtion.scanAndCompileFluxtionBuilders
as a build
task into a gradle project the following steps are needed:
- Add Fluxtion compile as a dependency to build.gradle
- Create a main method that invokes
- Register the main method as a task in build.gradle
- Run the task when you want to regenerate event processors AOT
The sample project demonstrates integrating gradle with the Fluxtion scan and compile utility for AOT generation.
Add dependencies
The build.gradle file declares the dependencies for the project.
dependencies {
implementation 'com.fluxtion:compiler:9.7.4'
annotationProcessor 'com.fluxtion:compiler:9.7.4'
Create main to wrap Fluxtion scan and compile
The GenerateFluxtion main method calls the scanAndCompileFluxtionBuilders utility.
public class GenerateFluxtion {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
File classesDirectory = new File("build/classes/java/main");
System.out.println("Scanning " + classesDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + " for builders");
Register build task
The build.gradle file register the GenerateFluxtion main as a task for the project.
tasks.register('generateEventProcessors', JavaExec) {
group = "generation"
description = "Generate fluxtion event processors"
classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
mainClass = 'com.fluxtion.example.generation.gradle.GenerateFluxtion'
Generate event processor with task
Generate the processors AOT with
./gradlew generateEventProcessors
./gradlew generateEventProcessors
> Task :generateEventProcessors
> Scanning /fluxtion-examples/gradle-scan-example/build/classes/java/main for builders
> 1: invoking builder com.fluxtion.example.generation.gradle.SampleAotBuilder
> 01-May-24 21:00:50 [main] INFO EventProcessorCompilation - generated EventProcessor file: /fluxtion-examples/gradle-scan-example/src/main/java/com/fluxtion/example/generation/gradle/generated/
3 actionable tasks: 2 executed, 1 up-to-date