Functional DSL event stream processing
This section documents the use of functional programming to construct event processing logic. For a more in-depth description of the dsl head over to Fluxtion DSL deep dive.
The Fluxtion compiler supports functional construction of event processing logic, this allows developers to bind functions into the processor without having to construct classes marked with Fluxtion annotations. Operations such as map/filter/peek similar to the java stream api are present. The goal of using the functional DSL is to have no Fluxtion api calls in the business logic only pure vanilla java.
An event processor is a live structure where new events trigger a set of dispatch operations. The node wrapping a function supports both stateful and stateless functions, it is the user choice what type of function to bind. Any bound functions are invoked in accordance to the dispatch rules.
Three steps to using Fluxtion
1 - Bind functions using functional programming with Fluxtion DSL
2 - Build the event processor using fluxtion compiler utility
3 - Integrate the event processor in the app and feed it events
In this section we are covering the first of these Bind functions using functional programming with Fluxtion DSL.
Table of contents
Advantages of using Fluxtion functional DSL
- Business logic components are re-usable and testable outside Fluxtion
- Clear separation between event notification and business logic, event logic is removed from business code
- Complex functions library like windowing and aggregation are well tested and natively supported
- Increased developer productivity, less code to write and support
- New functionality is simple and cheap to integrate, Fluxtion pays the cost of rewiring the event flow
- No vendor lock-in, business code is free from any Fluxtion library dependencies
Functional operations
The functional DSL supports a rich set of operations. Where appropriate functional operations support:
- Stateless functions
- Stateful functions
- Primitive specialisation
- Method references
- Inline lambdas - interpreted mode only support, AOT mode will not serialise the inline lambda
A map operation takes the input from a parent function and then applies a function to the input. If the return of the output is null then the event notification no longer propagates down that path.
var stringFlow = DataFlow.subscribe(String.class);;
stringFlow.mapToInt(s -> s.length()/2);
Map supports
- Stateless functions
- Stateful functions
- Primitive specialisation
- Method references
- Inline lambdas - interpreted mode only support, AOT mode will not serialise the inline lambda
A filter predicate can be applied to a node to control event propagation, true continues the propagation and false swallows the notification. If the predicate returns true then the input to the predicate is passed to the next operation in the event processor.
.mapToInt(s -> s.length()/2);
Filter supports
- Stateless functions
- Stateful functions
- Primitive specialisation
- Method references
- Inline lambdas - interpreted mode only support, AOT mode will not serialise the inline lambda
Map with bi function
Takes two flow inputs and applies a bi function to the inputs. Applied once both functions have updated.
View the state of a node, invoked when the parent triggers.
Publishes the output of the function to a named sink end point. Client code can register as a named sink end point with the running event processor.
A node can be given an id that makes it discoverable using EventProcessor.getNodeById.
Aggregates the output of a node using a user supplied stateful function.
Aggregate with sliding window
Aggregates the output of a node using a user supplied stateful function, in a sliding window.
Aggregate with tumbling window
Aggregates the output of a node using a user supplied stateful function, in a tumbling window.
Default value
Set the initial value of a node without needing an input event to create a value.
Flat map
Flat map operations on a collection from a parent node.
Group by
Group by operations.
Group by with sliding window
Group by operations, in a sliding window.
Group by with tumbling window
Group by operations, in a tumbling window.
Apply a lookup function to a value as a map operation.
Merge multiple streams of the same type into a single output.
Map and merge
Merge multiple streams of different types into a single output, applying a mapping operation to combine the different types
Specialisation of peek that logs to console
Pushes the output of a node to user class, joins functional to imperative flow
Trigger overrides
External flows can override that standard triggering method to force publication/calculation/downstream notifications.
Reentrant events
The output of an operation can be published to the event processor as a new event. Will be processed after the current cycle finishes.
The source project for the examples can be found here
Bind functions to events
To bind functions to a flow of events a flow must be created with a subscription method in DataFlow.
DataFlow.subscribe([event class])
A lambda or a method reference can be bound as the next item in the function flow.
public static String toUpper(String incoming){
return incoming.toUpperCase();
public static void main(String[] args) {
var processor = Fluxtion.interpret(cfg -> {
.console("input: '{}'")
.console("transformed: '{}'");
processor.onEvent("hello world");
input: 'hello world'
transformed: 'HELLO WORLD'
Bind instance functions
Instance functions can be bound into the event processor using method references
public static class PrefixString{
private final String prefix;
public PrefixString(String prefix) {
this.prefix = prefix;
public String addPrefix(String input){
return prefix + input;
public static void main(String[] args) {
var processor = Fluxtion.interpret(cfg -> {
.console("input: '{}'")
.map(new PrefixString("XXXX")::addPrefix)
.console("transformed: '{}'");
processor.onEvent("hello world");
input: 'hello world'
transformed: 'XXXXhello world'
Combining imperative and functional binding
Both imperative and functional binding can be used in the same build consumer. All the user classes and functions will be added to the model for generation.
public static String toUpper(String incoming){
return incoming.toUpperCase();
public static class MyNode {
public boolean handleStringEvent(String stringToProcess) {
System.out.println("IMPERATIVE received:" + stringToProcess);
return true;
public static void main(String[] args) {
var processor = Fluxtion.interpret(cfg -> {
.console("FUNCTIONAL input: '{}'")
.console("FUNCTIONAL transformed: '{}'");
cfg.addNode(new MyNode());
processor.onEvent("hello world");
FUNCTIONAL input: 'hello world'
IMPERATIVE received:hello world
Re-entrant events
Events can be added for processing from inside the graph for processing in the next available cycle. Internal events are added to LIFO queue for processing in the correct order. The EventProcessor instance maintains the LIFO queue, any new input events are queued if there is processing currently acting. Support for internal event publishing is built into the streaming api.
Maps an int signal to a String and republishes to the graph
public static class MyNode {
public boolean handleStringEvent(String stringToProcess) {
System.out.println("received [" + stringToProcess +"]");
return true;
public static void main(String[] args) {
var processor = Fluxtion.interpret(cfg -> {
.mapToObj(d -> "intValue:" + d)
.console("republish re-entrant [{}]")
cfg.addNode(new MyNode());
processor.publishSignal("myIntSignal", 256);
republish re-entrant [intValue:256]
received [intValue:256]