4th tutorial - auditor
Table of contents
This tutorial is an introduction to monitoring the dependency injection container at runtime, we call this auditing. The reader should be proficient in Java, maven, git, Spring and have completed the second lottery tutorial before starting this tutorial.
Our goal is to create a custom monitoring class that will observe the event processing without any changes to the application code, and record the following statistics:
- Node stats, method invocation count grouped by bean instance
- Event stats, method invocation count grouped by exported method
- Node method stats, method invocation count grouped by bean instance and method
At the end of this tutorial you should understand:
- The role of the Auditor interface in Fluxtion
- How the auditor is notified by the container
- How to implement a custom auditor
- How to load a custom auditor in the container
Example project
The example project demonstrates the integration of an Auditor.
Auditing concepts
As event driven systems grow more complex tools are needed to monitor critical application metrics giving early warning of potential problems. It is preferable to develop monitoring separately to application code so that we do not accidentally introduce bugs to business functionality, and we can add or remove monitoring to the application without changing functional behaviour.
In Fluxtion we achieve this through the Auditor interface. Client code implements the Auditor interface and register an auditor instance at build time. At runtime the custom auditor receives monitoring notifications with event metadata attached. The auditor is free to process the event metadata in any way it wants.
Processing logic
Our design sketches show how the SystemStatisticsAuditor integrates into our system. An auditor is injected into all event flow calls within the running event processor. SystemStatisticsAuditor implements and exports the LotterySystemMonitor service interface.
flowchart TB
classDef eventHandler color:#022e1f,fill:#aaa3ff,stroke:#000;
classDef graphNode color:#022e1f,fill:#00cfff,stroke:#000;
classDef exportedService color:#022e1f,fill:#aaa3ff,stroke:#000;
style EventProcessor fill:#e9ebe4,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
systemStats><b>ServiceCalls</b>\n publishStats]:::eventHandler
TicketStoreNode[TicketStoreNode\n <b>ExportService</b>::TicketStore]:::graphNode
LotteryMachineNode[LotteryMachineNode\n <b>ExportService</b>::LotteryMachine]:::graphNode
systemStats --> LotterySystemMonitor
LotteryMachine --> Auditor
TicketStore ---> Auditor
LotterySystemMonitor --> Auditor
subgraph EventProcessor
Auditor --> TicketStoreNode --> LotteryMachineNode
Spring config
<bean id="ticketStore" class="com.fluxtion.example.cookbook.lottery.nodes.TicketStoreNode">
<bean id="lotteryMachine" class="com.fluxtion.example.cookbook.lottery.nodes.LotteryMachineNode">
<constructor-arg ref="ticketStore"/>
<bean id="systemAuditor" class="com.fluxtion.example.cookbook.lottery.auditor.SystemStatisticsAuditor"/>
<bean class="com.fluxtion.compiler.extern.spring.FluxtionSpringConfig">
<property name="auditors">
<ref bean="systemAuditor"/>
Auditor notifications
The Auditor interface is copied below with javadoc comments removed
import com.fluxtion.runtime.event.Event;
import com.fluxtion.runtime.lifecycle.Lifecycle;
public interface Auditor extends Lifecycle {
default boolean auditInvocations() {
return false;
default void init() {}
void nodeRegistered(Object node, String nodeName);
default void eventReceived(Event event) {}
default void eventReceived(Object event) {}
default void nodeInvoked(Object node, String nodeName, String methodName, Object event) {}
default void processingComplete() {}
default void tearDown() {}
Methods in the interface are called by the container at runtime except auditInvocations, which is called at build time. The callback nodeInvoked is a high frequency notification called on every method invoked on every bean, auditInvocations controls whether this monitoring method is notified at runtime.
Javadoc is attached to the class for detail reading, but it is important to understand these concepts:
- init called once before any other lifecycle methods
- nodeRegistered called after init before any lifecycle methods, allows the auditor to build a map of beans at startup
- eventReceived called when a service call or event is received by the container. Precedes any bean method calls
- nodeInvoked called before any bean service or trigger method in an event processing cycle
- processingComplete called at the end of a processing cycle
- tearDown called once when the container tearDown lifecycle method is called
Loading an auditor into the container
An auditor is bound into the container at build time using the EventProcessorConfig instance that is provided in one of the overloaded Fluxtion build methods. The auditor instance must be registered with a name that is unique for the container.
eventProcessorConfig.addAuditor(new SystemStatisticsAuditor(), "lotteryAuditor");
Implementing the auditor
The SystemStatisticsAuditor implements Auditor and calculates the monitoring statistics we want to report. The exported service method publishStats creates the report and publishes it to the console. For our auditor to be useful it needs to interact with the outside world, in this example we provide two ways for publishStats to be called.
- SystemStatisticsAuditor implements the lifecycle tearDown method that chains a call to publishStats() on shutdown
- SystemStatisticsAuditor exports the service SystemMonitor, application code can locate the auditor’s exported service and call publishStats on demand
public class SystemStatisticsAuditor implements Auditor, @ExportService SystemMonitor {
private transient final Map<Object, Stats> nodeStats = new IdentityHashMap<>();
private transient final Map<String, Stats> eventStats = new HashMap<>();
private transient final Map<String, Stats> methodStats = new HashMap<>();
public void nodeRegistered(Object o, String s) {
nodeStats.put(o, new Stats(s));
public void eventReceived(Object event) {
public void eventReceived(Event event) {
public void nodeInvoked(Object node, String nodeName, String methodName, Object event) {
nodeStats.computeIfPresent(node, (n, s) -> s.incrementCallCount());
String name = nodeName + "#" + methodName;
methodStats.compute(name, (n, s) ->{
s = s == null ? new Stats(n) : s;
return s;
public void tearDown() {
public boolean auditInvocations() {
return true;
public void publishStats() {
.collect(Collectors.joining("\n\t", "Node stats:\n\t", ""))
.collect(Collectors.joining("\n\t", "Event stats:\n\t", ""))
.collect(Collectors.joining("\n\t", "Node method stats:\n\t", ""))
private void updateEventStats(Object event){
String name = event.getClass().getSimpleName();
if(event instanceof ExportFunctionAuditEvent func){
name = func.toString();
eventStats.compute(name, (c, s) ->{
s = s == null ? new Stats(c) : s;
return s;
public static final class Stats {
private final String name;
private int count;
public Stats incrementCallCount() {
return this;
public String report() {
return "node:" + name + ", invokeCount:" + count;
public String eventReport() {
return "event:" + name + ", invokeCount:" + count;
public String methodReport() {
return "method:" + name + ", invokeCount:" + count;
We won’t discuss the calculation in detail, but important points to note are how the monitoring callbacks are used to drive the statistics we want to capture.
- nodeRegistered - builds an IdentityHashMap of node instances that will be used to record node stats
- eventReceived - calculates the client to container event call statistics
- nodeInvoked - builds the method invocation statistics for a node
Building the application
As Fluxtion is in aot mode the serialised LotteryProcessor can be inspected to locate where the notification callbacks to the auditor are injected.
A FluxtionSpringConfig bean is added to the spring config file that references the SystemStatisticsAuditor we want to include in the event processor. A specialised handler for FluxtionSpringConfig customises the generated event processor by calling methods on the EventProcessorConfig at build time.
<bean id="ticketStore" class="com.fluxtion.example.cookbook.lottery.nodes.TicketStoreNode">
<bean id="lotteryMachine" class="com.fluxtion.example.cookbook.lottery.nodes.LotteryMachineNode">
<constructor-arg ref="ticketStore"/>
<bean id="systemAuditor" class="com.fluxtion.example.cookbook.lottery.auditor.SystemStatisticsAuditor"/>
<bean class="com.fluxtion.compiler.extern.spring.FluxtionSpringConfig">
<property name="auditors">
<ref bean="systemAuditor"/>
The Fluxtion maven plugin will run as part of the build, logging this output as part of the build:
greg@Gregs-iMac tutorial3-lottery-auditor % mvn compile exec:java
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] --- fluxtion:3.0.14:springToFluxtion (spring to fluxtion builder) @ getting-started-tutorial3 ---
[main] INFO com.fluxtion.compiler.generation.compiler.EventProcessorCompilation - generated EventProcessor file: /development/fluxtion-examples/getting-started/tutorial3-lottery-auditor/src/main/java/com/fluxtion/example/cookbook/lottery/aot/LotteryProcessor.java
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Running the application
The lottery application has a few changes from the second tutorial:
- LotteryEventProcessor instance is assigned to a member variable
- App code calls LotterySystemMonitor::publishStats on the exported service during execution
- Teardown of the container is called, lotteryEventProcessor.tearDown(), that forces a final stats publication from the auditor
- Logging has been removed from the beans TicketStoreNode and LotteryMachineNode to reduce output
Our updated LotteryApp looks like this:
public class LotteryApp {
//code removed for clarity ...
//Now a member variable
private static LotteryProcessor lotteryEventProcessor;
public static void main(String[] args) {
start(LotteryApp::ticketReceipt, LotteryApp::lotteryResult);
//try and buy a ticket - store is closed
ticketStore.buyTicket(new Ticket(12_65_56));
//open store and buy ticket
ticketStore.buyTicket(new Ticket(12_65_56));
//print stats
lotteryEventProcessor.consumeServiceIfExported(LotterySystemMonitor.class, LotterySystemMonitor::publishStats);
//code removed for clarity ...
//teardown - should print stats
public static void start(Consumer<String> ticketReceiptHandler, Consumer<String> resultsPublisher){
lotteryEventProcessor = new LotteryProcessor();
//code removed for clarity ...
Executing our application produces different output from the second tutorial. The statistics output from the auditor is published twice to the console, one driven by user code and the other by teardown lifecycle.
27-Sept-23 21:10:07 [main] INFO LotteryApp - store shut - no tickets can be bought
27-Sept-23 21:10:07 [main] INFO LotteryApp - good luck with Ticket[number=126556, id=07a90af9-9ea7-4081-b27d-3670e8e98e19]
Node stats:
node:context, invokeCount:0
node:callbackDispatcher, invokeCount:0
node:subscriptionManager, invokeCount:0
node:lotteryMachine, invokeCount:2
node:ticketStore, invokeCount:4
Event stats:
event:public void com.fluxtion.example.cookbook.lottery.nodes.LotteryMachineNode.setResultPublisher(java.util.function.Consumer<java.lang.String>), invokeCount:1
event:public void com.fluxtion.example.cookbook.lottery.auditor.SystemStatisticsAuditor.publishStats(), invokeCount:1
event:public void com.fluxtion.example.cookbook.lottery.nodes.TicketStoreNode.setTicketSalesPublisher(java.util.function.Consumer<java.lang.String>), invokeCount:1
event:public void com.fluxtion.example.cookbook.lottery.nodes.TicketStoreNode.openStore(), invokeCount:1
event:LifecycleEvent, invokeCount:2
event:public boolean com.fluxtion.example.cookbook.lottery.nodes.TicketStoreNode.buyTicket(com.fluxtion.example.cookbook.lottery.api.Ticket), invokeCount:2
Node method stats:
method:ticketStore#setTicketSalesPublisher, invokeCount:1
method:lotteryMachine#processNewTicketSale, invokeCount:1
method:ticketStore#openStore, invokeCount:1
method:lotteryMachine#setResultPublisher, invokeCount:1
method:systemAuditor#publishStats, invokeCount:1
method:ticketStore#buyTicket, invokeCount:2
27-Sept-23 21:10:07 [main] INFO LotteryApp - good luck with Ticket[number=365858, id=1cf81163-70b7-40fa-b3df-e7f8891a334e]
27-Sept-23 21:10:07 [main] INFO LotteryApp - good luck with Ticket[number=730012, id=22f12028-6c95-4a07-9c03-3d7d1fc66e51]
27-Sept-23 21:10:07 [main] INFO LotteryApp - invalid numbers Ticket[number=25, id=c19846a1-bbf7-4045-9251-ed663025b111]
27-Sept-23 21:10:07 [main] INFO LotteryApp - store shut - no tickets can be bought
27-Sept-23 21:10:07 [main] INFO LotteryApp - winning numbers:126556
Node stats:
node:context, invokeCount:0
node:callbackDispatcher, invokeCount:0
node:subscriptionManager, invokeCount:0
node:lotteryMachine, invokeCount:5
node:ticketStore, invokeCount:9
Event stats:
event:public void com.fluxtion.example.cookbook.lottery.nodes.LotteryMachineNode.setResultPublisher(java.util.function.Consumer<java.lang.String>), invokeCount:1
event:public void com.fluxtion.example.cookbook.lottery.auditor.SystemStatisticsAuditor.publishStats(), invokeCount:1
event:public void com.fluxtion.example.cookbook.lottery.nodes.TicketStoreNode.closeStore(), invokeCount:1
event:public void com.fluxtion.example.cookbook.lottery.nodes.TicketStoreNode.setTicketSalesPublisher(java.util.function.Consumer<java.lang.String>), invokeCount:1
event:public void com.fluxtion.example.cookbook.lottery.nodes.TicketStoreNode.openStore(), invokeCount:1
event:public void com.fluxtion.example.cookbook.lottery.nodes.LotteryMachineNode.selectWinningTicket(), invokeCount:1
event:LifecycleEvent, invokeCount:3
event:public boolean com.fluxtion.example.cookbook.lottery.nodes.TicketStoreNode.buyTicket(com.fluxtion.example.cookbook.lottery.api.Ticket), invokeCount:6
Node method stats:
method:lotteryMachine#selectWinningTicket, invokeCount:1
method:ticketStore#closeStore, invokeCount:1
method:ticketStore#setTicketSalesPublisher, invokeCount:1
method:ticketStore#openStore, invokeCount:1
method:lotteryMachine#setResultPublisher, invokeCount:1
method:systemAuditor#publishStats, invokeCount:1
method:lotteryMachine#processNewTicketSale, invokeCount:3
method:ticketStore#buyTicket, invokeCount:6
The detailed breakdown of the stats are for the reader to analyse, but you should be able to see that detailed calculations can be carried out by the auditor to assess how the user code is being used at runtime by the container. For the lotteryMachine instance the teardown stats tell us:
- The lotteryMachine node was invoked 5 times
- lotteryMachine#selectWinningTicket, invokeCount:1
- lotteryMachine#setResultPublisher, invokeCount:1
- lotteryMachine#processNewTicketSale, invokeCount:3
- The external events that called the lotteryMachine
- LotteryMachineNode.setResultPublisher(java.util.function.Consumer
), invokeCount:1 - LotteryMachineNode.selectWinningTicket(), invokeCount:1
- LotteryMachineNode.setResultPublisher(java.util.function.Consumer
In this tutorial we have seen how a custom auditor can be injected into the container and used to monitor runtime performance without any changes required to the business code. With very little effort the following benefits are realised:
- Applications can be monitored at runtime without any changes to app code
- A range of auditors with specific goals can be developed and re-used across multiple applications
- Auditors bound to the container can easily be changed independently of application code
- Alerts can be published from auditors if necessary giving early warning of problems
- The impact of auditing in aot mode is very low as it is statically compiled into the container
I hope you have enjoyed reading this tutorial, and it has given you a desire to try adding auditing to your applications . Please send me any comments or suggestions to improve this tutorial